Today we packed. Not an easy task as we are shipping about 45 pounds of clothing and accessories back to the States when we land Tuesday in Barcelona. What is left to us for the next ten weeks is Christine’s backpack (16 pounds), and mine (18 pounds)… essentials only.

This was also a day to express appreciation and farewell to many of the crew and performers with whom we have developed a personal connection. A clear advantage to a small cruise ship is that in 15 days one really gets to know and be known. Thus, there is a mist of sadness that covers the smiles. We tour Valencia tomorrow, a new destination for us which I hope to then share with you. In the meantime, here are some random pictures of today and the place we temporarily embraced as “home”.


Peace Everyone. Pete



6 thoughts on “April 8th. The Last Sea Day.

  1. I don’t think I have ever seen one picture of the two of you that isn’t joyously happy, and beautifully taken!! Such love, so apparent. The pictures of the sea and the ship make me think that perhaps a cruise might be in order at some point. And now .. a new adventure awaits! I can not wait to read the next chapter. Buen Camino mi amigos! <3

  2. Pauline Schloss says:

    It is always sad to say “goodbye”– Another adventure waits you–more people to come into your lives and more goodbyes. With the personality -loving, caring–you and Chris have, sad goodbyes, were felt in those you met. You two have left a warm impression.

  3. So glad you’ve had such a wonderful trip so omen of things to come! So…can you get good oranges in Valencia?

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