
Our day began in the same way the previous one had ended, with beauty and friends.

This was a difficult stage today, made so by constantly changing elevations and irregular paths underfoot. Segments were 2,000 year old Roman military transport routes. If you look closely you can see how use literally wore parallel tracks in the stone.

The Romans standardized the width of their chariots and wagon axles. This standardization was carried throughout the empire an carried forward out of habit and custom until the same width was ultimately incorporated into many of the train systems of Europe.

We arrived in Pontevedra and splurged on a nice room in a 3 star hotel. Rain is predicted for all day tomorrow, and since we are well ahead of our walking schedule we have decided to stay here a second night.

Quite by accident we encountered friends from the previous evening. We again shared dinner but with the inclusion of a new Camino friend, Grzergorz from Poland. He is walking his second Camino, a feat not so noteworthy except that he has done so both times with only one leg, and on crutches. By the way, he carries his pack. Any complaints I have about the journey are put into a humble perspective.

We hope to again join our friends from Switzerland for dinner tomorrow evening. In the meantime the sights of this Medieval city await our exploration tomorrow.

Peace Everyone! Pete.

5 thoughts on “April 28th. Humility.

  1. Pauline Schloss says:

    My prayers for the handicapped man. If he can walk the Camino, he is blest and not “handicapped.”
    I see what you mean by the trail ways and the roughness a foot.

  2. Frank is enjoying reliving his September Camino. He said it was a lucky thing that you didn’t stay in Redondela for it was in the Muni Albergue that he encountered some unpleasant (crawling) mid-night visitors. He itched his way to Santiago from there.

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