Dear Christine and Renee.

I thought to take advantage of the strong wifi hear at Maison Simonenia to upload some pictures of the day. Just pictures… Enjoy!

This is the Citadel, a fortification that dates to the 1600s.
The fortifications provided an offensive and defensive military position against Spain.
Britton at an overlook.
It rained on and off throughout the day
These are some “friends“ that Britton found.
The town below us and the Pyrenees mountains above. 
“Green space“
The Village and mountains, a different view.
At times the sky became quite angry.
Strange person crossing an ancient bridge
Britton does not like being in pictures unless I convince him that it is also for his mother.
The river Nive as it winds through town.
And of course food. French bread with ham, cheese, and pate.
Our hotel, Maison Simonenia.
The breakfast room and lounge.
The terrace.
The proprietor and our most excellent host, Kathrine. 

Love to you both. Peace. Dad

At Saint Jean Pied-de-Port, June 9, 2024

18 thoughts on “Saint Jean PdP, Just Pictures

  1. Liz Stevens says:

    Good day to you Pete and Britton. You know – looking at your pictures I reflected that by the time we got to SJPdP that we were champing at the bit to get walking. Therefore we missed the beauty of the town and it’s environs – pity because it looks like history and charm abound. Hmmm… I have already crossed the Pyrenees in May of 2013 however it was during a blinding sleet/hail/snow storm and we saw nothing of the view (and are extremely grateful that hypothermia did not win). My wish has always been to return if only to hike over those mountains again. Seeing your pictures makes me inclined to do just that and spend some time roaming around the town. Looking forward to the next batch! Walk on!!

  2. Charlie Murphy says:

    Thanks for sharing the photos, Peter.
    It looks like you’re walking through history while you two create your own.

  3. What a beautiful town! Britton will just have to get used to being in pix! Thanks the commenting with each on! You definitely are on your Buen Camino today! Safe trekking!

  4. Pam Roberts says:

    Glad you and Britton are doing well. Great pictures! Love the scenery. Keep the pictures coming. wish you well on your new adventures which now include your grandson.

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