Dear Christine and Renee.

Unlike the narrative in this post, today was a very long day. Over 7 walking hours, 17 miles, and 36,000 steps. This included a climb of over 1000 feet to Alto del Perdon where life-size metal cut outs of pilgrims on the Camino provide one of the iconic photo opportunities for pilgrims.


In the background are wind generators taking advantage of the elevation and constant winds aloft.

Britton was real trooper and never missed a step. Along the way we made the acquaintance of two young lady pilgrims from the United States, one (Chelsea who works in the field of social justice) from New York

and the other (Lexie, an art teacher) from California.

We later happened upon them and a group of pilgrims that assembled spontaneously for dinner. It was wonderful!

Our entourage included pilgrims from Germany, the Netherlands, France, Belgium, and the States. Camille from France has already been walking for 43 days and started in Le Poy France. She is introspectively trying to find the next stage of her life. She was seated next me a table and in the course of discussions with the group it emerged that she is a young lawyer who specializes in mediation!. We have exchanged contact information and perhaps more discussions will follow along the way.

Our ages extended from Britton’s 15 years to my 72. Our nations of origin differed as did our non-Camino lives, and yet there seem to be no distinctions among us a table. The spirit of the Camino and its “magic” were fully present.

It is late and a Saturday night. The streets outside of our second-story window are alive with the sound of revelers which may impact upon sleep…


…but not my satisfaction with the day. Pictures follow below.

Love to both of you. Peace. Dad

Early morning departure from Pamplona
The interior of an old church we visited. Each square on the wood floor is a crypt containing a buried religious.
It’s Saturday. Flea market time!
The climb begins 
Looking back upon Pamplona 
The ruins of an ancient monastery
Shortly after this picture was taken the horse “let go“. The young lady had to dismount and clean up the mess, just like with dogs on a leash. 
A church and a small community halfway to the top where pilgrims are gathered. 
We near Alto del Perdon.
Looking west into the distance, the horizon is where our day ends. 
Britain begins the descent 
A shrine to Mary along the way. 
Having completed our descent, we look back up upon Alto del Perdon.
Another church.
The street where our hostel is located 

10 thoughts on “The Long Day to Puenta la Reina

  1. Outstanding pics and descriptions as usual! That is amazing (not a “coincidence”) that you sat with a fellow “mediator” and had a great discussion! How cool is that! (Happy Father’s Day!)

  2. Max Harrison says:

    You are sooo polite to refer to the horse as “letting go” instead of using the scientific word
    ” dookey”.

  3. Peter Tremain says:

    That scene around the table and your description of the conversation, especially your comment about nothing actually separating you all despite coming from different places on the planet brings back some of the feelings I had during times like that. I felt such strong bonds with the fellow pilgrims of all ages. I can still connect with them even after ten years.

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