A fellow camper at Stockton Lake mentioned in passing that the nearby town of Stockton was the world’s largest producer of Black Walnuts. I was somewhat skeptical since Stockton has fewer than 2,000 residents and is remote from any major highway system. With some free time on my hands and the promise of air conditioning in my SUV on a humid 90+ degree day I went into town to explore.
It did not take me long to find the tall silos that marked the location of the Hammons Products Company. Founded in 1946 by grocer Ralph Hammons, the firm is now operated by his grandson, Brian Hammons.
I entered the company offices which were clearly purposed for business and not itinerant campers like me. I was disappointed to learn that tours are available only once each year in September. However, the receptionist invited me to view a brief promotional video in their company conference room. I eagerly accepted. At the conclusion of the 5 minute video the Company’s President, Brian Hammons entered the room and introduce himself. He graciously took time from his day to tell me more about Black Walnuts and the Hammons story. Brian Hammons is center in this image from the Company’s website, https://black-walnuts.com
Indeed, the Hammons Company is the worlds largest producer of Black Walnuts, processing over 25 million pounds each year! Brian was quick to point out that English Walnuts are distinctly different and that production of the English variety exceeds 500,000 TONS annually! He then went on to distinguish the two varieties and highlight the virtues of the American Black Walnut:
1. Black Walnuts are thicker shelled and only 7% of the fruit is edible nut while 45 % of the thinner shelled English variety is edible nut.
2. Most Black Walnuts are sustainably harvested in the wild unlike the plantation grown English Walnuts.
3. Black Walnuts are universally acclaimed as superior for their deep, rich, and bold flavor. They are also nutritionally superior to their English cousin.
While only 7% of the walnut seed finds its way into the mouths of hungry consumers, the other 93% is processed into environmentally friendly abrasive products that are sought commercially for such varied purposes such as polishing delicate musical instruments, water filtration media, surface “sand” blasting , and oil field machinery maintenance.
Most remarkable for me was the method of harvest. Each year in the Fall, over 200 gathering stations are set up across 15 States. Thousands of gatherers comb the forests and hand harvest the wild Black Walnuts, delivering them to the gathering stations where the green outer covering is hulled. The remaining intact nut is then delivered to the Hammons factory in Stockton Missouri for further processing.
While Black Walnut production is firmly tied to its early American roots, the Hammons Company has reached out into the 21st Century. Improvements in processing methods have increased efficiency. Selective improvements in Black Walnut plant varieties are creating trees that bear fruit with thinner shells and proportionally greater nut meat to shell ratios while retaining the unique taste profile. Thus the potential for enhanced profitability is attracting landowners who are seeing financial rewards in planting these improved cultivars.
I really appreciate the time that Brian took today to educate this wandering (and wondering!) camper.
Peace Everyone. Pete
PS: Here are a few of the products that are supplied by the Hammons Company. If you look closely you will see one of my favorites from Kansas City’s own Boulevard Brewing Company!
Nancy Furse says:
Hi Peter,
You always seem to find the most interesting places to visit. Love the story about the Black Walnuts. Who knew, right in our own back yard! What a passion they have for their business. Thank you for sharing the info.
I have some information you might find interesting about River Canal Journeys in England. There is a British Documentary show called, Great Canal Journeys. It’s a husband & wife that are English actors, who have spent most their adult life on the Canals when not working. They travel the Canals of the U.K., Europe & India. When he has a beard, you 2 could be brothers!!! Ha
Google, Great Canal Journeys or its on You Tube.
I also love the Canals of the U.K. . Have been on a few of those years ago for day trips only . But I loved it so. I could watch those boats all day long. That should be a wonderful experience for you & Christine. I think you may enjoy this TV Series. It’s been on for 4 years, I believe. Let me know what you think.
Pete Schloss says:
Thank you so much Nancy!! I did find the show and have watched the first 3 episodes. They are such a charming couple!!! On your recommendation I will continue watching more episodes. Thank you. Love, Us
Babe Wiley says:
And the wood of the tree is rare and beautiful as well!
Pete Schloss says:
Yes it is Babe!
Pauline Schloss says:
Your brain is over flowing with knowledge. When I was a kid the boys living in the country would come to school with stained dark hands. It was from peeling the green outer shell of black walnuts then cracking the tough wooden-like shell and taking out the meat. It was not easy to get the nut out. I even had my hands stained –probably once. I havenever seen them marketed as shown in your photos. I imagine, a shelled bag would be pricey.
Pete Schloss says:
Thanks Mom. I intend to buy some next time I see some real Black Walnuts.
Julie says:
i agree with Nancy that you always find the most interesting places to visit. I also agree with your mom, your brain is always overflowing with knowledge. I’m glad you share it with us. Keep on…..
Pete Schloss says:
Thanks Julie, I’ll try!!
Maxine Harrison says:
Out here the walnuts stain the blacktop roads…you gather them up then drive over them with your car to get the green hulls off which are very tough…walnut trees also exude a chemical into the ground that prevents competing plants from growing (allelopathy)…so much for my trivia!
Pete Schloss says:
Very Cool!!
scott hausman says:
Braum’s Black Walnut ice cream is amazing and something everyone should try next time they come across a Braum’s and fancy something sweet. The only place I’ve ever been able to consistently find this flavor.
Pete Schloss says:
Thanks Scott!