November 2, 2022. Aboard a Renfe high speed train between Madrid and Valencia, Spain.
Dear Christine. At the urging of a friend I spent yesterday in Toledo, Spain. It is only a 30 minute trip by high speed train.
I originally had scheduled to be there for a little over five hours but upon reaching Toledo I modified my ticket for a later return. I’m glad I did.
Toledo is a marvel! It has managed to retain the character and charm of a well preserved medieval fortress city while providing excellent tourist accommodations, restaurants, and accessibility.
I departed Madrid from the Puerta de Atocha station. It’s an old station that has been modernized. Rather than destroy the old steam train canopy it has been turned into a greenhouse full of huge tropical plants.
At the Toledo train station I purchased the ticket for the “hop on hop off“ service. It was my first impression was that it was a little pricey at €24, but that also included transport to and from the train station, along with a tour of and paid entry into the cathedral. Entry to the cathedral would otherwise have cost €10.
The train station would have been a bit of a walk to town, doable but the daunting part would have been the arduous climb to the citadel.
Muslim/Arabic architectural influences were immediately apparent at the station and throughout the city.
The old city is surrounded by a river that served as a natural moat in ancient times. There were remarkable arched bridges from those days. but they now only provide pedestrian access.
With the elevated city on one side of a bridge and the deep river separating the two sides, it is the perfect location for a zip line. If Tom were here I am confident that we would have done it.
By the way, I just looked up to see the train speedometer, 300 kph! That works out to over 180 mph. It is smooth, and I am in business class which borders on elegant. Comfortable leather seats that recline, a movie overhead, and an expansive view of the countryside. An attendant has made the rounds providing moist warm cloths to clean one’s hands/face and breakfast for those who included the service with their ticket.
My initial impression was that accommodations in Toledo would be expensive. However, a quick look at “booking.com” indicated that there were also moderately priced options. I think this is a place that you and I should someday plan to spend at least two consecutive nights.
The city is full of museums and attractions. Some are “kitschy“, like the torture museum and the catapult museum, while others are “must see“, like the cathedral which is the center of Catholicism in Spain.
As with the other huge cathedrals, this one also featured a beautifully arranged and carved choir.
Most of the streets are narrow and winding which adds to the charm. It is very easy to get lost but since the central city is relatively small that becomes part of the entertainment. It’s like wandering in a maze and discovering new things at every turn.
I had not intended to see yet another monumental cathedral, but “when in Rome (or Toledo) do as the Romans (“Toledans”) do! This one did not disappoint. It is considered the second largest in Spain with the wealthiest collection of art and treasure.
The sacristy houses the worlds largest collection of original artwork by El Greco. There are 17 separate paintings by the artist in the one room. What is ironic is that Toledo has an El Greco museum but with fewer of his works.
As far as “treasure“ the cathedral has a towering monstrance that stands about 10 feet tall. It is made from 40 pounds of gold and over 400 pounds of silver! It further incorporates the jewels that were once the property of Queen Isabel of Spain. This creation dates to the 15th Century.
Toledo is a photographer’s paradise. I hope you enjoy these pictures. I started with nearly 150 images and painfully cut them down to these final ones.
When I returned to Madrid I decided to go back to the Plaza Mayor for dinner and a drink. The place looked like it had been hit by a hurricane! There was trash and discarded alcoholic beverage bottles everywhere. There was also loud singing throughout the plaza from roving groups of young, and obviously drunk, men. There was a heavy police presence. Needless to say, I left the plaza in favor of a quieter neighborhood.
My search was successful. In the restaurant/bar where I ate was a group of Irish football (soccer) fans. I struck up a conversation with one who is a teacher on holiday here to watch Ireland take on Madrid. He said that Ireland is heavily favored and added that Madrid is a good sport so there should not be any post game problems.
Well, enough for now. I hope you and Wendy are enjoying your day! The countdown continues. There are only three nights left before we join in Barcelona. Love, Me.
PS. I have arrived at my hotel in Valencia. It’s more like a condominium that is managed by a company as a hotel. In any case, it’s an amazing accommodation! I have a kitchenette with washing machine/dryer, dishwasher, cooktop, and refrigerator. I also have my own private patio. It is located in the heart of the old city and only cost $130 a night. What a relief after the last four nights.
ourcrossings says:
Great post and such beautiful photos! I’ve been to Spain many times, but unfortunately never to Toledo. Thanks for sharing and have a good day 😊 Aiva
Pete Schloss says:
Hello Aiva. I love this country and it’s wonderful people. I just finished my third Camino About a week ago. I thought that that would be my last, however, I find myself drawn to return again. Be well and safe travels! Pete
ourcrossings says:
Congratulations on finishing your third Camino, that’s certainly something to celebrate 🥰
Annie says:
Wow! Amazing photos! And that “hotel/condo”!!
Pete Schloss says:
I sure lucked out on this one Annie!
Maxine says:
Guess they don’t say “Holy Toledo” for nothing! Hope the Irish scrums bought you a BAROOSKIE!
Pete Schloss says:
No, but I bet they would’ve if I have stuck around. Great bunch of guys!
Bobbi says:
You *never*disappoint. Your carefully curated photos are glorious and Toledo has entered my/our must do list at a high level :).
What a terrific end of trip saga this is making for us all.
Travel happily and safely. Our best to you and Christine in Barcelona,
Bobbi and Russ
Pete Schloss says:
I’m so glad that you’ve enjoyed this!… Especially as I know you are a real world traveler.
Tina says:
Hallo Pete, während ich deinen Artikel gelesen habe, habe ich beschlossen Toledo einmal wieder zu besuchen. Ich freue mich, dass es dir so sehr gefallen hat. Ich wünsche dir eine wunderschöne weitere Reise. Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland, Tina
Pete Schloss says:
Toll! wann denkst du Toledo zu besuchen. ich hoffe dir eine gute Reise!
Pete Schloss says:
Tina, ich denke das ich bin ein bisschen müde aus Tourismus. Nicht krank nur müde.
Liz says:
Good day Pete – yesterday was a busy “Grandboys” day – and I never saw your post till this morning. Upon looking at your title and seeing pictures of the Cathedral – the phrase “Holy Toledo” came to mind. So – I googled it and read that it has nothing to do with Spain! Spain is such a beautiful Country! I love their commitment to intricate architecture – at least in the past. As you know, every turn of head lends another interesting detail. There are a number of comments about the draw of the Camino…so many people ask me why we keep going back. The answer is much the same as “why do you keep climbing mountains”… in my head I think “if you know, you know” – but I usually offer a simpler reason – because it is there, and it is beautiful – as long as I am able, I will. Keep filling your cup Pete – and thanks for sharing that with all of us!
Pete Schloss says:
Hi Liz. Your comment, “As you know, every turn of head lends another interesting detail.” is prescient! I am reading your comment as I sit in the waiting area of a Barber shop in Valencia, Spain. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I can actually communicate, somehow, the haircut I’m looking for. Wish me luck!
Pam Roberts says:
Pete what can I say, but awesome! The pictures of the cathedral are something to behold. I’m going to have to put Madrid and Toledo on my bucket list. Congratulations completing your 3rd Camino. Continue to be safe in your travels.
Pete Schloss says:
Thank you so much Pam!