Written March 24, 2023, at Manchester, England.
My reward for having flown across five time zones was a night of fitful sleep. Solid slumber finally came at 5 AM and my eyes did not again open until just shy of noon. Hopefully, jetlag is mostly behind us.
We could see from our hotel room window that skies were clear. Fingers crossed that the weather would remain favorable, we quickly showered, dressed, and were on the street looking for a coffee and brunch.
Here are images from our wanderings, some self-explanatory, and others with captions.

We were particularly taken with the John Rylands library…

…and Manchester’s Science and Industry museum. Unfortunately, much of the museum’s extensive collection is located in a variety of neighboring buildings which are currently closed for renovation.

We enjoyed a late lunch in a fascinating restaurant. Nondescript from the outside, “The Blues Kitchen” provided me with a wealth of lowlight photographic opportunities.

The restaurant is full of antique fixtures, stained glass, and even a small Airstream travel trailer in which a party of as many as 12 may enjoy semi-private dining. The food was also excellent and reasonably priced!

On our way back to the hotel we encountered a significant police presence in the area of the Criminal Courts building. An officer explained to us that a high profile murder trial was underway, just now entering recess for the weekend. As we spoke, the street was cordoned off to allow a caravan of security vehicles, lights flashing and sirens blaring, to rocket past us at the intersection. Presumably, the defendant was secured in the van that was surrounded by police cars.

Tomorrow morning we catch the train for a 2 hour transport to Carlisle, located near the western end of Hadrian’s Wall. We have booked 4 nights in what appears to be a quaint “old-world” hotel. One, and possibly two days will be spent taxiing west to walk the 15 miles from the coast back to Carlisle.
Many of you who follow know that I often “dig deep“ in writing my narratives. In deference to time with my wife Christine, I am hoping to spend fewer hours at the computer while still presenting a good variety of pictures. It is easier to apologize to you than it is to her! Wikipedia may satisfy those who are curious for more details.
Peace Everyone! Pete

Annie says:
You and the monkey lamp! 😂😂😂
Glad you got some good sleep!
I’ve only been to Oxford, England (50+ years ago, for high school trip) so I’m going to love seeing the rest thru your eyes! 👍
Pete Schloss says:
Thanks Annie. And I always look forward to your comments!
Linda Arnold says:
I Love to see so many ways people live. Beautiful pics.
Pete Schloss says:
Thank you, Linda, and thank you for following!
Laura says:
I liked the pictures, especially the wall light of a gargoyle reading at The Blues Kitchen. And the picture of the dog having fun at the Roman excavations. stay well.
Pete Schloss says:
Thank you Laura. It was a great camera day! Right now we are on the train heading to Carlyle. Be well.
Edie Smith says:
I loved the pictures, especially the Airstream! I loved the architecture. Just beautiful. Do not upset Christine! She is the most important. Thank you for sharing.
Pete Schloss says:
Thank you! And no, I will do my best not to annoy “she who must be obeyed“!
Sharon Gulley says:
That library is glorious! Hugs to you both.
Pete Schloss says:
Thank you, Sharon! Love to you and Larry!!
Bill says:
The stained glass is amazing. Made me a little embarrassed by the meagerness of my present project. Stay safe my friend.
Pete Schloss says:
Thanks Bill. I’m anxious to post pictures of our current stay in an “old world” Edwardian hotel located in Carlyle England. We are here for four nights. It’s quite glorious!
Vicki James says:
Pete so glad you and Christine were able to visit the Rylands. It’s one of my favorite libraries. Such amazing treasurers there. And the building ain’t too shabby either. 😁 Hope your weather holds for your walking. Safe travels.
Pete Schloss says:
Hi Vicki and Harold! As soon as I read your message out loud to Christine, she said, “I forgot, they lived in Manchester!“ I wish we would’ve remembered because we certainly could have benefited from your local knowledge. Be well, and we must get together sometime once we are back in the States.
Mary Murphy says:
Thanks, Pete. Great ideas for us for our 2 days in Manchester. Great pics, as always.
Pete Schloss says:
You will love it!
David Bruce Adler says:
Peter, I Love the photos, thanks for sharing. Dave Adler
Pete Schloss says:
Thanks David. It’s great to hear from you!
Mary Lou says:
What an adventure! Be safe and discover!
Pete Schloss says:
Thank you Mary Lou! I’m glad I finally got the email mixup straightened out.