Navigating the Harecastle Tunnel.
Written April 20, 2023, at Stoke on Trent, England.
The experience of traveling England’s canals that date to the 1700’s is unique. But there are aspects that go beyond unique, and in yesterday’s case are otherworldly, or better yet “underworldly”.
Our 2019 travels on the canals included traveling hundreds of yards across valleys, our vessel elevated over 100 feet above the valley floor in a trough of water with no guard rails. Beyond unique.

There were also tunnels that we navigated, also hundreds of yards long. Again, beyond unique.
Before us today was the Harecastle Tunnel. Not just unique, not just beyond unique, but like traveling the legendary River Styx to Hades. Again, otherworldly and “underworldly”.

The Harecastle Tunnel is 1.6 miles long and for nearly 200 years the longest tunnel in the United Kingdom. It is actually two tunnels. The first, built in 1770 and its parallel twin built in 1824 served commerce on the canals with one dedicated to southbound traffic and the other dedicated to northbound traffic.

The canals are extremely tight with very low overhead. There is no walking path inside the tunnel. If one were to fall into the water it would be a very bad day for that person. The older of the two tunnels could not be economically maintained and has been closed since 1914.

The remaining tunnel now alternates traffic direction approximately every hour. It takes about 40 minutes to transit the length of the tunnel.

Time and limited Internet cell service do not allow me to go into detail about the history of these fascinating tunnels. I invite you to read about The Harecastle Tunnel on Wikipedia.
Below are images, some with captions.
Peace Everyone. Pete

Annie says:
Wow! Both scary AND fascinating at the same time!!
Pete Schloss says:
Now all I need to do is go through backwards, and the experience is complete!
Scott Dreher says:
Very cool!!
Pete Schloss says:
Yes it is! Put it on your bucket list Scott.
nancy wallingford says:
I enjoyed this part of your trip so much. Thank you for sharing, Pete and Christine.
Pete Schloss says:
Thank you, Nancy. I hope life is smiling on you!
Bill says:
You should get a “Tunnel Rat” patch or some sort of prize as you have become members of a very exclusive club. It looked like a “magical mysterious” ride. Thanks for taking me along.
Pete Schloss says:
Bill, I look forward to discussing all of this with you in real time, beers in hand!
Betty says:
What an experience!!!
Pete Schloss says:
Yes, and it continues to be such!
Pam Roberts says:
Impressive Pete! The sights are amazing! Thanks for sharing and continue to enjoy.
Pete Schloss says:
Thank you Pam!
Liz Stevens says:
Nope, nope, nope … reminds me too much of my first MRI experience! ha ha I would have to be down in the galley kitchen whipping up a sweet snack (and running through Hail Mary’s on repeat). Glad you enjoy that part – you look very much to be the serious Captain (which given the size of the tunnel is probably wise). Float on my friends … and I hope you can always see the light at the end of the tunnel! Hugs to your Bride.
Pete Schloss says:
Hugs to your and Frank!!