Written November 23, 2023, at Kansas City, Missouri.
In 2013 most of our grandchildren were barely beyond being toddlers.

One was not yet a “twinkle in our daughter’s eye”.

Christine and I were consumed with preparations for walking the Camino de Santiago, over 800 kilometers from southern France, across the Pyrenees Mountains and west across Spain.
Our enthusiasm brought curiosity from the “grands” such that we often needed to explain the adventure in terms that they might understand. “Spain is on the other side of the world.” “Wow!” they would exclaim. “Grandma and I are going to walk so far that it is like walking from your house to St. Louis or Springfield and then back!” They had been on drives to both cities and in their little minds knew that it was VERY far. There were gape-mouthed expressions, eyes wide with awe, and more “Wows!”.
On our first night in Barcelona Christine thought of another way to impress upon them the grandness of what was ahead for us. Using her cell phone, she called each household for a video chat with the “little people”. Directing her phone out of our upper floor room to the evening panorama of Barcelona, she explained that we were so far away that while it was daytime in Kansas City it was nighttime where we were. The images held their attention and wonder.
4-year-old Britton, one of the three surviving quadruplets, broke the silence. Seeing the rush of evening traffic and the street below us he exclaimed, “Grandma! They have CARS in Spain!” “Yes Britton, just like in Kansas City.” “Then why are you WALKING across Spain?!!”

From the mouths of babes…
Yesterday, now 15-year-old Britton, a muscular high school freshman nearing 6 feet tall and who plays football and wrestles, eagerly anticipated the day’s mail.
Minutes after the mail arrived Britton sent me a text message and picture with the captions, “Yay!!!” and “My hair looks so bad!”. His passport had arrived!

Next June, life and health willing, an odd couple will join thousands of other making the 800+ kilometer trek across Spain. One age 72, in the evening of life, and one 15 with life’s lottery still spinning its wheel. One searching for his future through the telescope of imagination and the other reflecting upon his past through the bifocals of what cannot be changed. One with the experience of three prior Caminos, and one brimming with the excitement of tackling his first. Who is the teacher and who is the student?… well, that depends. What is certain is that there will be marvels each day for both of them, but only one person will have to polish the tarnish of years from his child-like wonder.
I will observe that there are still cars in Spain. “So Britton, why are YOU walking across Spain?!!”
Life comes full circle.
Peace Everyone. Pete
P.S. For those who have walked at least the last 100 km in a continuous journey to Santiago a reward awaits at the Pilgrim’s Reception Office. First, one must produce evidence that they have completed the requirements of the journey. This is done in the form of a Pilgrim’s Credential (“Credencial del Peregrino”) upon which the stamps from lodgings, restaurants, churches, etc. are acquired each day to prove the journey.
Second, the trekker/pilgrim (“Peregrino”) gives their reason for undertaking the journey. If for religious or spiritual reasons they are awarded the “Compostela”, suitable for framing.
If, however, the journey was undertaken for some other reason such as health, pursuing a physical challenge, or just checking off an item on one’s “bucket list”, then the award is in the form of a “Certificate of Distance”, also suitable for framing.
Thus, the question, “Why have you walked across Spain?”, is actually asked of and answered by each of the thousands of pilgrims arriving in Santiago each year.
Bill says:
Reading your entry brought back a memory of going to the boundary waters in the last century with Logan when he was 15. A week in the wilderness paddling across numerous lakes and humping our gear and canoes between lakes. A new campsite every night, listening to the Loons and wolfs howl. The smell of the fire and frying fresh fish. He left a boy and came back a man, at least in my mind. Thanks for the memory, I’m envious of your ability to partake in another adventure.
Peace, Bill
Pete Schloss says:
Wow, Bill. What an amazing experience the two of you shared. Does it ever come up again in conversation? How does he reflect upon it?
Bill says:
We went to Sea Base the next year and played in the Keys on an island adventure. He says we should have reversed the order, because he was a year older and bigger. The portages, some up to a half mile long, up and over to the next lake, was hard work for a hundred and twenty pounder soaking wet. We talk about one particularly long portage when he had to stop and rest and we sat talking about how he could finish it.
Two years later he went to Philmont and hiked 10 days in the Rockys. He loved that even more as he knew he was capable.
Thanks for asking, good memories.
Pete Schloss says:
Wonderful Bill!
Deb L says:
With our seventh Camino just completed, we would absolutely love to walk with one of our granddaughters some day, I’m envious. Buen Camino to you both!
Pete Schloss says:
Thank you so much. I hope that it happens.
Liz says:
Well – hello there! I would love to walk a Camino with one of our grands – and still hold out hope to do so. Life is so busy for our teens – it is fabulous that you can get the time away with him! I will tell you that the Camino Ingles – is not one that I would undertake (I say this – but you never know) because it did not have the infrastructure and there were no other pilgrims that we saw (except one for about 2 hours). The Frances however – conjures up fabulous memories. I always loved seeing those red chairs in the distance knowing that there was a place to rest for a bit! Congratulations and I look forward to you bringing us along.
Pete Schloss says:
Thanks Liz. Christine (and I) sends her love to you and Frank!
Liz S says:
Right back atcha both! xoxo (one for each)
Ann R says:
Pete , I am so excited to hear that you will again walk the Camino and how wonderful it will be to walk with your grandson ! Dusting my boots off to walk a bit more of the Cornwall Coast in May 2024! May think of grabbing my sister and walking the Camino again ! Enjoy your adventure !
Pete Schloss says:
Thank you so much Ann! Your coming trek sounds wonderful!
Annie says:
Wow!! Buen Camino!! This will be yet another great adventure for you!!
Pete Schloss says:
I agree. Thanks Annie!
Laura Gust says:
What a great idea to take Britton along. He will be able to carry you piggy-back over the hard spots! (Ha Ha) A good age for a teen to gain insight of other parts, and people, of the world.
Pete Schloss says:
Yes, Laura, I am so pleased that he wanted to do this. It is not something you want to try and talk anyone into. A side benefit is that he is fluent in French and France is where our journey begins.
nanci says:
Such adorable kids! Keep on trekking!
Pete Schloss says:
Thank you so much Nanci! Love to you and Tom!!
Julie Baliva says:
I love this post with your comments as well as the then and now photos. Time goes by so quickly! Wishing you and your family a very blessed Christmas.
Pete Schloss says:
Thank you so much Julie and our best wishes and love to you and Dom.