Dear Christine and Renee.

Another long day. Not as long as yesterday; Today totaled over 15 miles and 34,000 steps. The day opened with a crossing of the Puenta la Reina, the 12th century “Queen’s Bridge”. It was not even close to the oldest bridge we crossed today. 

The approach to the bridge. 
The Queen’s Bridge
A 2000 year-old Roman bridge that leads up to the remnants of a Roman Road. 

This day was more than a little challenging due to the brilliant sun and 90 degree temperatures. On a positive note, we got laundry done!! Our clothes needed it.

I’ve planned tomorrow as a very short day (9km) to Villamayor de Monjardin where we may visit a castle ruins that overlooks the small village. We will again be returning to communal living for the next couple of days.

We encountered a variety of pilgrims, some for the first time and others were repeat meetings.

Of note were Samantha and her mother, Lisa, from California. To say that they are adventurous souls would be an understatement. At 15, Sam bicycled across the USA, and at age 18 she is bound for university studies in engineering and possibly also law.

Samantha on the right.
An alternative use of a driveway mirror! 

By pure luck we happened upon the pilgrims we dined with last night. We reprised the experience… different food and venue, but the same endearing company.

I have to admit that I had lost track of this being Father’s Day. Thank you so much for the reminder! Wednesday is our 47th anniversary. Forgive me in advance if I space that off! Christine, it has been 50 years since we met… what a wonderful and fulfilling journey! As I have said so often, in the lottery of love, I hit the jackpot.

I will close giving you both my love and fondest thoughts. Pictures follow.

Love, Peace, Dad.

Wheat fields
Our first rest stop in the distance, the village of Maneru.
Shade and refreshments.
A random unmanned Camino stand. The honor system at work.
Walking over a busy highway. 

This bicycle pilgrim uses her drone to capture images of the Camino aloft loft.


13 thoughts on “Estella, Spain

  1. I am enjoying your trip. I especially love that picture where the sun is lighting the entrance to the cathedral!

  2. Hi from Southern Callifirnis!
    As I write this, it is Monday, the day after Father’s Day. And in 2 days, it will be your 47th anniversary! Congratulations! (My husband and I have been married 50 years, but have known of each other since 3rd grade!). Safe journey today!

  3. Just back from London – catching up on your adventures.. You have such an eye for pictures. Though the Camino provides a wealth of possibilities. Your eye and your camera capture it well. Jet lagged – more later.

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