Dear Christine and Renee’.

First of all to you Christine: I give all my love and gratitude for 47 years of your love and our partnership. I lit a candle to us.

Today was another 20+ km day. The sun was out and it warmed quickly.

There was a steep climb at the beginning but we are growing accustom to the variances in topography.


Bigger climbs await us ahead.

Walking 20 or more kilometers in a day it’s not such a big deal, but doing it every day does wear on the body and soul.

I have made some decisions. I want Britton to enjoy this and not become “burned out” in the same way that I once burned out his mother (you Renee!) on backpacking.

There is a very nice four-star hotel about 20km before Burgos. The owner of the hotel has set aside a wing for pilgrims. While many of the guests are paying hundreds of dollars a night the pilgrims pay about 20. We get to eat with the upscale guests and from our experience there in 2013 it is the pilgrims who are the celebrities.

The next day Britton and I will bus into Burgos and skip the suburbs. We will get a hotel for the night and tour the magnificent cathedral. We will get train tickets to Leon and thus skip the desert-like high plains known as the Meseta. This is not just in the interest of comfort, but in looking at our calendar we do not have enough days to otherwise complete the journey into Santiago. We will still qualify for our Compostelas.

I succeeded in getting tickets to visit the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. It’s a darn good thing that I did it now because they are already virtually sold out for the early part of July.

Christine, you may recall that when you and I walked into Logroño in 2013 there was a delightful woman who invited us into her home where she provided refreshments and memorabilia on the Camino, only asking for a donation.

This was Maria, daughter of the modern Camino’s famous Felisa (1910-2002) who for most of his adult life “stood guard”, just as Maria was doing, greeting pilgrims entering La Rioja. Sadly, Maria died in 2021.

Today as Britton and I were walking toward Logroño I recognized the home. Two ladies, one older, and one younger, were providing refreshments and Camino memorabilia, again asking only a donation. I showed them the picture of you with Maria, and one of the ladies said in broken English, “My mother!”. The younger lady said, “My grandmother!”. They were also in the process of setting up to celebrate the birthday of their five-year-old son/grandson.

We joined for hugs and a picture. It was a wonderful renewal of a time eleven years gone and which spanned 5 generations.

I will sign off here and finish this post with photographs and captions where appropriate.

Love to you both. Happy Anniversary, Christine. Dad

Hundreds of stone memorials. 
Prayer flags 
We encountered three of these little “shelters“. 
The cathedral in Logroño 

After a visit to the cathedral, we adjourned for an incredible variety of tapas and amazing wine. 

And after dinner… 

Our home for the night.

8 thoughts on “Logrono and 47 Years Together

  1. Hola Peregrinos!! Well done – I have found in my Caminos (and in life) that the more fluid my plans are, the happier I am and are those around me! There is no written rule (beyond the requirements for a Compostella) to anyone’s Camino – plans change, weather changes, our bodies require something we didn’t plan on. So – Well done on making a decision to make this trip more enjoyable for Britton (and yourself). There is enough suffering in life (yes I know the whole pilgrimage thing) that a trip like this with your grandson IMHO should be one of connecting; with you and those around you, with a feeling of something bigger than our hometowns, with the boots on the ground knowledge that there are big things out there just waiting for us to experience them, and knowing that we CAN do it – one step at a time! Jumping ahead in my book, is a wise decision. I am guessing that Britton will go back and walk his own Camino some day. In the meantime Pete, what a gift you (and by approval, his Mother) have given him – something he will never forget!! An experience of a lifetime. I am also thrilled to hear that you have tickets to the Familia Sagrada – what a fabulous experience that is! Enjoy my friend

    • Liz, your words really hearted me. Thank you so much. I am confident that someday Britton will do this again at his own speed and strength. We both really enjoyed the variety of tapas last night. It has rained pretty hard throughout today’s 20+km, but it does not seem to bother him and my time with him is made more precious by the little adversities. Peace, my friend.

  2. Betty Jean Schwartz says:

    I think I wish to be your grandchild!!! And I am wondering if I can take my grandchildren. I am having all those joint replacements and no experience with a Camino. We will “talk” when you return about what is practical for a beginner.

  3. Barbara (Bobbi) Haskins says:

    what a wonderful journey and renewal of precious memories!

    Happy Anniversary to both you and Christine.

  4. Pam Roberts says:

    Adventure continues. Great pictures! Wishing you and Chris a happy wedding anniversary and hope you have many more years to share.

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