(I took the above picture during a 2018 protest in Santiago Chili. The government was using “non-lethal” bullets to suppress protests. However, the ammunition permanently blinded hundreds of people. This demonstration was led by very brave women.)

I’ve survived. The bunker door is mostly open now and peering out I see that life hasn’t really changed that much. I’ve tried watching the news again, but only local and in small bits. It will be a while before I again find Steven Colbert’s political commentary funny. My vote for President was among the 48.1% cast, not the “other” 50.1%.

First an acknowledgement that democracy works. Nearly 150 million Americans set aside their daily routines to make their voices heard. Second, gratitude to the thousands of nameless election workers that made voting possible.

The margin of victory was less than 3 million votes. That is approximately the population of Chicago. Once again, the Electoral College result, 312 to 226, discloses how disconnected this historic dinosaur is from the popular vote. I find further criticism with the length of United States political campaigns, the unconscionable amount of money spent on the campaigns, and the disproportionate influence given to wealth in selecting representation in this country. Those are perhaps subjects for posts at another time.

Another 2018 protest I was present for in Chili. This one focused on economic condition.

My self-imposed post-election introspection has given me an opportunity to seek understanding and peace with the outcome. During the weeks leading up to the election, Christine and I often found ourselves wondering, “How can they consider voting so contrary to their own interests!?!”

The answer is that I was applying my own understanding of what was important, not theirs. Perhaps their interests included elevating the voice of a contrarian. Shaking up a system that hasn’t worked for them. Expressing frustration with a government that to them favors “foreigners” over “Americans”. Declaring dissatisfaction with rising prices and tailing wages. And believing promises (real or not) that were addressed to them.

Just as I looked upon them in the pre-election weeks as being voters against their own interests, it occurs to me that in post-election America there may be 48.1 percent of the electorate now wishing against their own interests, just to say, “I told you so.”

100 percent of America should wish for a strong economy. An efficient and fair system of immigration. Price stability and wages that provide the possibility of upward mobility. Safe streets and safe schools. An efficient justice system that fairly punishes the guilty and quickly frees the innocent. Stability in the world order… All of this and more without regard for which candidate was successful in the election.

I have friends who count themselves among the 50.1%. When they voice complaints, criticisms, and worse about the 48.1%, I know that they are not thinking of me. I know that they would not apply those assertions to me personally. Conversely, as a friend I would never apply to them the complaints, criticisms, and worse often spoken about the 50.1% by those of the 48.1%.

Putting the face of a friend on “them” is one road to an understanding that “they” and “we” are often “us”.

Peace Everyone. Pete

PS. In 1995 we hosted 16-year-old Svetlana as a year-long exchange student from Slovakia. She remains in our hearts a daughter to us. In 1998 we arranged a reunion of our exchange students in Prague. Christine and I offered to pay the room and board of any of the students who could join us for the 5 days. What they did not know was that I had booked 3 large prison cells in the former Communist prison. $13 per person, per night, breakfast included!

Svetlana, along with her older brother Alex and 8 other students joined us. Her parents and little brother were there as was the mother of another of the students. They opted for more conventional (comfortable) lodgings.

In 2018 we enjoyed a wonderful visit with Svetla and her husband and children in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Yesterday, we spent a delightful afternoon here in Kansas City with Alex, his 12-year-old daughter Ellen, and his friend Dasha. Alex is an attorney practicing in Prague, the Czech Republic. He was also an exchange student in Kansas City, spending 1993 with the Harper family in North Kansas City. Alex came back for a visit to attend his host-brother’s wedding.

Earlier this year, our 1992 German exchange student son Andre and his family visited us.

They now reside in Washington DC where Andre is stationed at the German Embassy as an economist. We hope to have them join us next February in Colorado.

Later in 2025 we will be in Norway for a month. Our plans include traveling to Svalbard Island, the northernmost civilian settlement in the world, located about 650 miles from the North Pole. While in Oslo we will visit our Norwegian exchange student daughter (1994), Hege and her family.

Christine is fond of saying that a country is “foreign” until it has a face. These people and many others dear to us, are faces that have made the world smaller, more personal, and less foreign. We would do well within our country to do the same between the 48.1% and 50.1%


13 thoughts on “Choosing Against Our Interests

  1. My husband and I hide in our own quiet world (in SoCal) while you two travel and invite the world into yours. I love reading about your adventures! Keep on keeping on!

  2. Like you Pete I’m a 48 percenter. Actually I’m proud of my minority position but have yet to fully re-engage in the world of politics as I adjust to my disappointment in finding myself on the losing side. Not the first time my vote didn’t result in a win, but it would be nice if it were the last. I too have friends and family that fall into the 51 percent and I engage with them because of our history and similarities and avoid confrontation on our differences. I’m looking forward to the swing back politically, that I’ve seen many times in the past, as it appears we, as a country, are always wanting to change, unsatisfied with the status quo, and believing life could be better “only if”. It would be pretty dull if everyone believed in the same thing.
    Peace my friend, therapy helped my back hope yours is healing nicely.

  3. Ah – thank you for your post. I happened to work the polls for 8 hours … most of the folks there for the count were dismayed by the outcome. This sleepy little red town did not go the way they expected. Kamala won by 14 votes. But I will tell you the young men, twenty somethings – first time voters poured in to the voting hall. Joe Rogan did a good job – these young men were fired up. Personally I wrote over 200 postcards .. each one signed with a smile and posted with hope. I too have avoided the news, I have also avoided the hand wringers and the doom sayers because I refuse to live in fear and am trying not to sink into catastrophic thinking. I have to turn my face to the sun, pray that we all – all of us will be okay. We all have to breathe, recover and then regroup. We all have to spread love – all over the place – to everyone that needs it – because in the end – we will all need it and it is all we’ve got.
    Onward – I always wished that I had gotten involved in the exchange student thing … there wasn’t much of that happening here in NH. While living in MA, I hosted kids from Chernobyl that had been affected by the nuclear meltdown. Sadly I lost touch with years ago – though it was not expected they would make it to their 30’s – I pray that information was incorrect. How nice you have maintained and continue to see the children that you hosted. I smile at your pictures … it is good to have things to smile about eh?

  4. Nancy Antonette Wallingford says:

    I certainly believe that both sides need to listen to the other side. It alarms me that the two sides cannot agree on the underlying facts of our country’s many challenges. It alarms me that there is media that promotes false facts and that there is media and mass communication that promotes propaganda. It makes it difficult to find a middle ground.

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