As predicted, the seas and winds increased through the night. Conditions never really became tense, but my morning exercise required some supplemental wall support through the balance portions of my yoga routine. More on that in a bit.
I am typing this in the afternoon. The seas have flattened and winds moderated.
The sky indicates that we have left the influence of the low pressure (storm) area. In the course of yesterday’s weather briefing by the Captain he exhibited some wind charts that were associated with the weather front. I have a bit of a “prior life” history as a sailor. Sailors know that a quick trick to locate the center of a low pressure area is to turn one’s back to the wind and extend the left arm to the side. The left hand thus points in the direction of the center of the low pressure system. As I looked at the Captain’s chart I noticed that it was backwards. Using the sailor’s “trick” the prevailing winds were indicated on the right and not the left… how curious.
Last night we were on deck to observe the Southern Cross, the Southern Hemisphere’s answer to the North Star. To port we also saw the very familiar constellation Orion. However, Orion’s sword was pointed up from his belt, not down. Orion was upside down!
Then it struck me. In the Southern Hemisphere the Coriolis effect which is caused by the earth’s rotation is reversed! Low pressure spins clockwise, and of course Orion appears upside down because we are “upside down”! I haven’t tried it yet but the drain in our bathroom sink should also display these reversed properties as water exits the bowl.
Consistent with my habits, I remain an early riser aboard the Viking Sun. My day begins with a 6am visit to the excellent workout facilities. I am seeing the same faces there each morning as it opens. My routine is 45 minutes of yoga, 15 minutes of free weights, and 30 minutes of cardio.
Adjacent to the workout facility is the Spa. There is a central “jacuzzi” pool with water that vigorously circulates. There is a separate hot tub, heated lounge recliners, a steam room, sauna, and wonder of wonders, a “blizzard room” where one is exposed to sub-freezing temperatures and blowing snow. Performing the cycle of pool, sauna, steam, and snow is wonderfully invigorating.
Yes, that’s real snow!
Christine quickly made the acquaintance of the ship’s massage therapist, Marianna from Norway. Chris enjoyed a 90 minute session on our second day out.
Before retiring to bed the previous night we place our order for breakfast to be delivered to our room in the morning. I time the delivery for my return from exercise. Christine is up to share breakfast and each shipboard day commences with this endearing ritual.
By 9:30am we are out and about. Today, as I was taking photos for these posts, I was asked to take pictures of the Captain and the executive staff.
We are taking a 13 lesson sequence of classes on how to play Bridge. The instructor is not only an accomplished player but adept at presenting a well organized curriculum. Lessons are not given on days that we are in port. We shared our table today with Bobbie, who is one of the 59 passengers circumnavigating the globe on this voyage.
When we are not touring a port-of-call we occupy ourselves with reading, writing, relaxing poolside, and attending any number of the lectures, classes, and events that are available each day.
A pre-dinner highlight for us is either high tea in the late afternoon or drinks and music in the atrium, shared with new friends. We are not above doing both.
Dinner options include one of three formal restaurants.
The first of these is Manfredi’s, an Italian themed venue with a wide ranging menu. In addition to destination themed specials there is an 18 day rotating menu cycle. Dress is business casual and while the sommelier selected wines and beers are included, there is also the option to select from an excellent reserve list for a fee. Last nights included wine was a wonderfully complex Primitevo that would have otherwise been serve any other night at $50 a bottle.
“The Chef’s Table” is the dining venue that focuses upon the chef’s creative whims. It is a smaller and more intimate setting. Reservations are advised for both The Chef’s Table and Manfredi’s.
Finally, there is “The Restaurant”. A bit more laid back but still elegant. It also features daily specials and its own distinct menu that processes through a 16 day rotation. Reservations are not required.
Our evening usually closes with music, an excellent cognac (me), and conversation with like minded friends.
A shipboard nightclub is available for the dance inclined. Gratitude is an often shared theme before we are embraced for the night by our fluffy goose down comforters.
Peace Everyone. Pete
PS. We arrive in Port Stanley, the Falkland Islands early tomorrow. If you have any questions that you would like me to address, please ask and I will do my best to answer.
Also, I apologize that my last post was sent out at least 3 times. I am presuming there was some kind of a communication glitch between the ship’s satellite system and my website server that is beyond my control or understanding.
Laura Gust says:
Pete, I’m enjoying your trip. Wouldn’t your sailors trick to find the “low pressure centre” also be reversed in the Southern Hemisphere?
Pete Schloss says:
Right Laura! Either point with your right hand or left while facing directly into the wind.
Babe Wiley says:
59 passengers on a ship for 900? You should certainly be receiving some TLC! BTW, I think I only got the prior post once!
Pete Schloss says:
Babe, the ship has about 900 passengers on board. Only 59 are signed on for the entire circumnavigation.
Tinsley William says:
Thanks so much. I look forward to your posts every day!
Pete Schloss says:
I am so pleased that you enjoy them!!
Pauline Schloss says:
The ship is elegant—dining venues, especially. I notice snow, are you there yet?? As always, love your writings. You both look great–good workouts. Next time you are here, we’ll have a foursome for bridge. Hope you like the game.
Paul and I are invited to Thanksgiving dinner at the home of one of my bridge friends.
Pete Schloss says:
No snow Mom. I’m glad you have the invite for Thanksgiving!!
Liz Stevens says:
Learning to play bridge sounds so interesting!! I hope the weather continues to hold for you. Can’t wait for tomorrows installment.
Pete Schloss says:
Port Stanley was very interesting. I will write the post tomorrow and launch it Monday morning.
Maxine Harrison says:
Next time you look at Orion…upside down or otherwise…the third “star” in the middle of his sword sheath is actually the Orion Nebula…birthplace of new stars that will appear tuquois through a telescope..but the nebula should be visible najed eye and pretty clear with a good pair of binoculars.. several minor meteor showers as well but you are probably too far south to see them.
Pete Schloss says:
We will be looking Maxine. Thanks!