Written April 1, 2023, at Langley Castle, England.
Yesterday was yesterday, and today is today. Signs on the side of Twice Brewed brought a smile.

Christine captured a shot of me as I made my way back to the Wall, and for five minutes there was sunshine.

It’s a wonder what a good night’s rest, fresh legs, and an energized spirit can do. It doesn’t hurt that it’s my birthday.

There were many people on the trail today, but virtually all were taking a Saturday stroll. There may have been one or two that were through-hiking, but east to west. My track is west to east.

There were periods of rain but never of sufficient intensity to warrant putting on my rain trousers. However, mist on the camera lens may have impacted the quality of the photographs.

Once more the guidebook grossly underestimated the distance and provided less than accurate directions on two occasions. 8+ miles and 22,000 steps with more precipitous up and down terrain was again the order of the day.

Nevertheless, it was a much better day than yesterday.

I ended my day at a preplanned stopping point near Hadrian’s Wall. We arranged for a taxi to pick me up and transport me 7 miles off the route to Langley Castle where we will be lodged for the next two nights. On Monday morning a taxi will return me to that point so that I can continue the full route of Hadrian’s Wall.
Langley Castle is an honest to goodness 14th century fortress and we are booked into its premiere suite.

Ours are royal chambers. The bathroom is larger than most hotel rooms and includes a huge tub (it fits two… to which we can attest), and a sauna/steam room.

The walls are solid stone, 7 feet thick, and there is a sitting nook with leaded stained glass that looks out upon the courtyard.

Evening drinks at a fire in the hearth room followed by a suitably elegant dinner capped off the day.

We will tour the castle tomorrow and I will take my camera along. I hope to give you a virtual tour.
Peace Everyone. 71 year old Pete
P.S. As I have walked along these remnants of the once mighty Roman Empire it occurred to me that there have been many great empires; Egyptian, Persian, Greek, Mayan, just to name a few. ALL great empires and civilizations have two things in common: Their leaders and citizens believed the reign would be endless… and it wasn’t.

Tina says:
Wow, wow und nochmals wow! Das ist ja wie im Film, Pete. Was für ein wunderschönes Schloss! Der richtige Platz um deinen Geburtstag zu feiern. Ich liebe Schlösser und England und je mehr ich von deiner Wanderung lese, um so mehr zieht es mich auch zur Hadrians Wall. Keep on walking, Tina
Pete Schloss says:
Gestern war ein sehr schöner Tag und heute habe ich eine sehr schöne Erholung! vielen Dank, meine Freundin!
That was an unbelievable hike. You two are amazing. The castle is beautiful.
Pete Schloss says:
Thank you!
Pete Schloss says:
Tina, hier gibt es alles, was du liebst! England, Schlösser, tolle Wandern… aber manchmal ist das Wetter nicht so schön.
Leider mann kann nicht alles haben. Tschüss und bis bald! Peter
Julie Baliva says:
Awesome! I have always wanted to stay in a real honest to goodness old castle!
Pete Schloss says:
It’s pretty cool Julie!
Christine says:
Wow, wow und nochnmals wow!!! I’m with Tina there.
Pete Schloss says:
Christine. Seit wann sprichts du Deutsch?!?
Moira says:
Slainte Mhath on your Birthday Pete!
Pete Schloss says:
Thanks Moira!!
Hal Gilchrist says:
Pete Schloss says:
A day off the trail has been good medicine Hal!!
caminobrentski says:
Happy Birthday my friend… wishing you the best!
Pete Schloss says:
Thank you so much Brent!!
Margaret says:
You are really showing us the beauty of your surroundings.
Pete Schloss says:
Thank you Margaret!
Annie says:
WOW is all I (and everyone else) can say! The land is gorgeous and your room in the castle!!!! WOW!!
Pete Schloss says:
It’s my birthday present to me!
That is the best BIRTHDAY GIFT.
Pete Schloss says:
It will be tough to top next year!
Liz Stevens says:
Holy moly Pete – what a beautiful place to spend the night! That tree from the Sycamore Gap reminds me to the Meseta Tree that everyone took a picture of! I am curious which book you are using – though we probably won’t be “walking the wall” this year – it is always good to have someone that has walked (and perhaps learned of the glitches) previously. Take care of your tootsies – hope you had a nice birthday. Happy trails my friend!
Pete Schloss says:
Thank you Liz. I am less than impressed with the book that I have. It’s better than nothing, but then the detail of Brierley may have spoiled me.
Cheryn Swanson says:
Hope you had a wonderful birthday
Thanks for sharing your trip.
Pete Schloss says:
Thanks Cheryn!
Nancy Wallingford says:
Happy belated birthday, Pete. Your pictures remind me of northeastern Missouri in the early Spring. Thank you so much. I really enjoy your sharing your experiences with us.
Pete Schloss says:
Thank you Nancy! It gives me happiness to share these travels and remain connected with so many good people.
Steve says:
Starting from the top photo:
1. Rainwalker in blue
2. Introduction to the Inn
3. Rainwalker enjoying sunshine
4. A nearby farmhouse
And ending with:
5. One very beautiful photo!
Pete Schloss says:
Thanks Steve. It really helps to be where there is good subject matter!